Server and client side dynamic web application replicating Instagram. Implemented API with python flask library, React frontend for smooth user interface.
Software Developer at One North
University of  ichigan
Associate software developer at One North. I
work on a
team of developers helping businesses solve complex problems in creative ways.
I graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in Computer Science Engineering.
I interned in summer 2022 with Harman International as a
software development engineer with the automotive systems-voice recognition team. I have a
strong interest in web development and the respective applications of software. I have spent
time building several client side dynamic web applications, including this website! I was
involved in MHackers, where I completed projects in machine learning and connected with
other students to advance my knowledge of computer science.
My repositories are private as enforced by the university, please contact me for access.
Server and client side dynamic web application replicating Instagram. Implemented API with python flask library, React frontend for smooth user interface.
Mealplanner web application for tracking my personal nutrition goals. Implemented with sqlite database, python flask API and react frontend. Included user accounts so my friends could also use it!
Using a file containing all wikipedia pages, I created a mapreduce program to create an inverted index for all words. Created a react frontend application for users to search query, and the inverted index is searched, and ranked by term frequency, inverse document frequency (tf-idf)
Physical robotic simulator with implementations of robotic forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, motion planning, collision detection.
Implementation of Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree Connect algorithm for use in robotic path planning.
Built a full computer processor simulator for a "new" assembly language. Includes assembler, machine file simulator, linker, pipelined datapath simulator, and cache simulator.
Prim, Kruskal, and Branch and Bound with pruning implementations of the TSP problem.
User can perform timestamp, category, and keyword searches, implemented with hash tables
Constructed backend of sorted, binary, and pairing heap priority queue for use in zombie game
Implemented A-star path planning search algorithm. Algorithm searches a 3D map to determine shortest path to goal node.
Machine learning algorithm that identifies faces by using principal component analysis to construct eigenfaces by matrix transformations.
Cleaned database of fMRI data to use for training our algorithm to detect cases of Alzheimers in new patient fMRI data.
I am always looking for opportunites to advance my skills, please reach
simon.perryman2@gmail.com | perrymas@umich.edu